Thursday, March 1, 2012


The crime rate difference between males and females is a large one. Men are seen as the ones who are more likely to commit crime according to official statistics. 4/5 convicted offenders in England and Wales are male. Also by the age of 30, 9% of females had a criminal conviction as opposed to 32% of males. Different theorists have emphasized different views towards this. In terms of crime rates, due to the media and official statistics of crime makes wider society believe:

· Men are more likely to commit crimes such as violence and murder.

· Women are more likely to commit crimes such as shoplifting.

Chivalry Thesis (Pollak)

This is a theory that argues that the criminal justice system (CJS) treats women more leniently than men when they commit crime. Therefore women are more likely to get let off especially if crimes are minor and their crimes are often unreported. A large amount of the police officers and judges are men who are seen as being “chivalrous” to women. This is because men’s traditional lifestyles have been to protect women and guide them as their leaders. (Pollak)

Farrington and Buckle- They explain how more men commit crimes such as shoplifting even though many official statics have regarded women as the main perpetrators. From their research their findings found 50% of males and females commit shoplifting. However, from their observations looking at footage from security cameras, it is revealed that they are 2x more likely.

Functionalist Sex Role

This theory argues that young boys are not receiving adequate socialisation from the nuclear family. Thus, they join peer group cultures to gain male influence. The reason why boys are more delinquent than girls is that performing deviant acts reinforces status and identity within these groups. Male adults don’t know how to socialise their children and this can lead to improper socialisation because boys would rather be taught from their dads than their mums. (Cohen)

Talcott Parsons- Argues that males and females have different roles because of biological factors. Males are supposed to be the breadwinner whilst females are supposed to provide adequate socialisation. Some young boys don’t get needs from mothers so they are likely to join deviant subcultures.

Walklate- However disregards Parsons biological idea of the wife being best to suit the socialisation of children. The sociologist argues that women aren’t always necessarily best fit to socialise young boys as this is based on the individual.


This theory explains that women are more rationale than men and tend to think more about what they have to lose so less crime is committed by them. Middle class women tend to have more to lose so they are more likely not to commit crime. (CARLEN)


This theory argues that society is becoming more equal and that women are also committing more crimes such as drugs and violence. This is because if patriarchal society exercises control over women, then as it becomes less patriarchal it would seem logical to assume that women’s crime rates will become similar to men’s.

Alder- Alder argues that the changes in the structure of society as women have become more liberated causes more crime caused by women. As evidence to support her argument, the rating of criminal offences for women has gone up since 1950’s to 1990’s from 1 in 7 to 1 in 6.


This theory argues that women are socially controlled more than men because society is patriarchal. Because of their conformist behaviour, they commit less crime than men because patriarchal society imposes greater control over them. This reduces their opportunities to offend. Heidenson divides this control into 3 main categories:

· Control at Home- Women’s classic domestic role constantly doing housework and childcare restricts their time and movement. This confinement prevents them from committing crime. Dobash and Dobash would argue many violent attacks are to do with men’s dissatisfaction of women’s domestic duties. (Domestic Violence)

· Control in Public- Women tend to be more controlled in public because of the threat of male violence against them. Islington’s Crime survey suggests that 54% of women avoid going out after dark for fear of being victims of crime.

· Control at Work- There is still a glass ceiling in many workplaces. Women tend to be led by male bosses (managers/supervisors).


This theory argues that masculinity is an accomplishment. This social construction of the male gender has men constantly working and competing to present it to others. Crime and deviance can be seen as resources to present their masculinity such as through violence.

However, these views have often been criticized as it doesn’t explain why some men don’t use crime to accomplish masculinity.

Hegemonic Masculinity- This refers to the ruling ideologies of how masculinity should be presented. Traits that often fit into this category are physical strength, money and tribal like behaviour.


In Winlow’s studies, he found that men use their body capital to improve their appearance as strong and tough which is hegemonically seen as masculine. This is achieved by body building and natural large size. This discourages competitors from challenging them because of their masculine reputation.

His studies of bouncers reveal that their body capital is so unnatural it creates a hyper reality of masculine power. This could be why other men fear to challenge their authority.

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